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JD Vance is Weird. Scared Ketchup/YouTube 1 August 24 USA
 Couch Lvr JD VANCE Sings ´I´m Fu%kin´ Weird´ (W/ Lara Trump Intro) A NEW SCARED KETCHUP Music Video. Lol. Making America Groan Again. Thanks, Trump. | funny posted: 8/9/2024 |
time: 4:37 res: 900x506 NorthStar views: 36 remarks: 2 votes: 2 rating: |
last remark : mo
· this jd guy is very dangerous - he will say anything he think will dvance his chances but he is so stupid about what he chose to attack
African Elephants
 Mother and daughter | posted: 2/27/2024 |
time: 0:06 res: 408x480 KenB views: 105 votes: 2 rating: |
Consciousness & Protection - EMF & more
 Game changer -beyound the fru-fru | posted: 1/24/2024 |
time: 7:55 res: 320x240 ncbeareatingman views: 46 remarks: 1 votes: 1 rating: |
last remark : ncbeareatingman
· If interested..the rejuvenizer site and more ,at lighthealing dot com. No I don't sell.um , I just know, know know that they work. Paying it forward in the Light I've had my oldest Rejuvenizer fer 34 years now. Yes 34. Have.um for me, a few family members, freinds, the house, outside dawgs,, circuit panel, water, cell phone,blah blah. I sleep way way better because of it too! They're great for remving negative energies in an house or 'abode' of any sort. Walk in the light.
I´d love you anyways
 I do not own the rights to this song, enjoy | posted: 11/28/2023 |
time: 3:52 res: 368x640 NSMan views: 86 votes: 2 rating: |
 My first project using Cakewalk and a MIDI controller | performance posted: 10/26/2023 |
time: 4:24 res: 900x506 Invisibear views: 178 remarks: 1 votes: 6 rating: |
last remark : Tomas
· Nice video and moving song "creep".
Agawa Canyon trip 2023
 Crossing the trestle over the dam on the Montréal River. 130 feet above the dam. 300 feet above the valley! | posted: 10/17/2023 |
time: 0:34 res: 406x900 jammertrucker views: 47 votes: 2 rating: |
Cover - River
 Partial cover of the Bishop Briggs song ´River´ | posted: 2/27/2023 |
time: 2:02 res: 450x900 BigCat30 views: 110 votes: 2 rating: |
Biscuits | posted: 11/28/2022 |
time: 0:29 res: 720x406 hotchip views: 480 remarks: 6 votes: 5 rating: |
last remark : Pete
· I love my two cats - orange tabbies. I like your post. Up for coffee sometime?
Cover - Why Don´t You Do Right
 Channeling some 40s jazz and Jessica Rabbit. Dedicated to the memory of the only Eddie Valliant I care about, Bob Hoskins. | posted: 10/19/2022 |
time: 3:09 res: 360x720 BigCat30 views: 80 votes: 5 rating: |
Tulips shall grow
 A little something for us to think of. Don´t let the beginning fool you, watch until the end. | posted: 10/18/2022 |
time: 6:59 res: 720x406 Handlebar views: 130 remarks: 2 votes: 6 rating: |
last remark : Henry8
· That was nice. You can't keep the dutch down.
a kiss
 Me giving a kiss | posted: 9/12/2022 |
time: 0:08 res: 320x568 HomeyJoe views: 388 remarks: 3 votes: 17 rating: |
last remark : iBearMW2024
· If a video of you kissing gets me this excited, I can only imagine the profound effect the real thing would have on me. *sigh*
 AIN´T THAT ASHAME | performance posted: 6/20/2022 |
time: 2:32 res: 640x480 MALLARD1938 views: 95 remarks: 1 votes: 7 rating: |
last remark : Henry8
· THANK YOU!!! The good days without swearing and sex. I remember going to the community center and dancing.
Veridis Qou
 Artist: Daft Punk | posted: 4/6/2022 |
time: 5:45 res: 720x406 HomeyJoe views: 152 votes: 2 rating: |
Save You
 Artist: Tim Halperin | posted: 4/6/2022 |
time: 3:40 res: 720x406 HomeyJoe views: 144 votes: 4 rating: |
Solar Flare
 Artist: Jay Arseno | posted: 4/6/2022 |
time: 5:03 res: 720x406 HomeyJoe views: 35 votes: 1 rating: |
 Nipple play | posted: 3/25/2022 |
time: 0:24 res: 480x320 richardbear views: 389 votes: 8 rating: |